Psychological Disorder: Types of Trauma

Types of Trauma:

In this article, I will tell you about Types of Trauma and their explanation as well.



There are three main types of trauma:

·         Acute trauma                                 

·         Chronic trauma

·         Complex trauma           

      Acute Trauma:

Acute trauma is often a single incident that occurs in life, such as an accident, being a victim of a crime or even a natural disaster. Individual may have experienced one of these in the past and find himself still trying to make sense of it.  These incidents can have a lasting negative impact on individual, if left unprocessed and affects his life.

Chronic trauma:

Trauma that is repetitive and occurs over an extended period of time is known as chronic trauma. Examples of chronic trauma can include domestic violence, childhood abuse, and war. Chronic trauma can even be made up from several instances of acute traumas, happening one after the other. Just like the acute trauma, leaving chronic trauma unresolved can have a long-term negative impact on the quality of one’s life.

Complex Trauma:

Most people with trauma-related problems have experienced multiple traumas. The term, complex trauma describes exposure to multiple traumas. It also refers to the impacts of that exposure.

 Complex trauma: 

·  is usually interpersonal i.e. occurs between people

·  involves ‘being or feeling’ trapped

·  is often planned, extreme, ongoing and/or repeated

·  often has more severe, persistent and cumulative impacts

· affects emotional and physical health, wellbeing, relationships and daily functioning

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